I've experienced streaming media presentations from Microsoft before, but today's EnergizeIT event confirms the dedication of Microsoft to the IT Pro community. There are at least 100 of us doing the same. I doubt many of these are recovering cancer patients like me, but they each have their own reasons why a trip to the Metro Toronto Convention Centre on a Saturday morning is out of the question
As I write, I am watching Barry Goff, a product manager from Microsoft at Redmond, and chief experience officer, Bruce Cowper, a member of the Canadian IT TechNet team, demonstrating how to become productive with Windows Vista. Specifically, they are showing Windows Meeting Space, a new collaboration tool for Vista that allows separate ad hoc networking independent of existing networks.
Not only do I greatly appreciate the real-time opportunity to be there without being there, I can go back in subsequent days to view archives of the presentation. In other words, these events provide me with free training available anywhere, anytime for any reason. Cool! Very cool!
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