Tuesday, March 07, 2006

AIMing at Toronto Bloggers

Last night, I attended a meet-and-greet at Shoeless Joe's restaurant at 401 King Street West in Toronto. The first person I met was Jeremy Wright, the author of Blog Marketing whose book I purchased on the weekend and just began reading on Sunday (see Sunday's post). I'll have to review his book at Amazon, since the only person to have done so thus far gave it 1 of 5 stars.
These events are tough for me. I have a very hard time focusing on conversations in noisy bars with music, video, people bumping into one another, dozens of conversations all occurring at the same time. But it was worthwhile despite my discomfort.
In addition to meeting Jeremy, I was able to spend a few minutes with Shel Israel, a co-author of Naked Conversations, who graciously signed my copy of the book. Good to have met you, Shel. I hope there will be many more opportunities in the future!
Others with whom I spent some time chatting about blogging, tools, experiences, methodologies, etc. included:

The event was sponsored by AIMS (The Association of Internet Marketing & Sales). Shel Israel is a speaker at an event AIM is sponsoring today called Social Marketing: Tapping into The Power of Connected Customers.

If it wasn't for the fact that I've already got a Toronto day-long event planned for Thursday (BUILD '06 Tour for Microsoft TechNet), I'd love to have been there. At the Thursday event we'll be covering Internet Explorer 7.0, Virtual Server 2005 R2, Systems Management Server, Microsoft Operations Manager, Server 2003 R2, and a Microsoft initiative called Dynamic Systems Initiative.
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Anonymous said...

Hey Don

Me ?? "facinating guy" -whewww Thats a firstfor me --thanks !!

Yeah we should see each other on the TorCamp4 if possible the link in is http://barcamp.org/TorCampDemoCamp4

let me know if you can make it we can continue our conversations :)-

Don Spencer said...

Hi, Peter.

Unfortunately, that day is the day of my surgery. As you might anticipate, I'd far rather be "camping" in Toronto. Give me a thought that day...I'd appreciate it.



Anonymous said...

will keep that in mind Don -- Take it easy !!