Sunday, January 07, 2007

Stay Tuned

2007 will see me assuming some additional responsibilities at Pano Cap. I will be assuming roles as editor for a resurrected internal newsletter as well as web master for our corporate web site. I look forward to both. Although our Pano Post Newsletter is for internal consumption only, it will be a welcome improvement in communications. I'll also enjoying stretching my skill set into print publication software as well as refreshing my editorial experience, something I haven't done with any frequency since my graduate school days.

The Pano Cap Canada web site, partially because it is directed to both an internal and external readsership, will be more of a challenge. We have been somewhat negligent in keeping our corporate web site current and dynamic. That will now change.

I have developed and taught courses at Conestoga College in creating and maintaining database-driven web sites, but it is has been quite a while since I've had hands-on web-master duties to perform regularly. Again, I anticipate not only helping with content creation but in learning about the most current tools and techniques available for web site design and maintenance. One piece of software I will probably try out during the next month is Adobe's Dreamweaver 8. Right now, it's a toss up whether to go with this standard in web design or whether to try Microsoft's most recent professional entry into this market - Microsoft Expression Web.

Suggestions are always welcomed.

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