Saturday, March 04, 2006

Blogging About Plastics

Have you ever read the words "slow" and "blog" in the same sentence, except perhaps to describe the mental capacities of someone with whom an opinionated blogger disagreed? I haven't either.

But yesterday afternoon, the President of our company forwarded an article to me from Plastic News about blogging in the plastics and manufacturing arenas. In that article, Frank Antosiewicz (a correspondent from South Hadley, Massachusetts) starts out stating, "Blog writers are a slow-growing breed in the plastics and manufacturing arenas."

Yes, they are. Yesterday, I had the privilege of presenting information about blogging, its implications and some guidelines for potential bloggers at Pano Cap Canada. After the inevitable PowerPoint presentation (yes, I still think these are often the best way to present information concisely), our discussion confirmed the very slow adoption rate of blogging in the plastics industry. But, as I indicated, that may be to our advantage. Being among the first often pays dividends, although in blogging those dividends are yet to be determined.

Here are the blogs listed by Antosiewicz:

They are a very mixed bag of interesting opinions and blatant advertising, opinions and anonymous news items, frequent and rare postings...pretty much what you'd expect from a subject-oriented blogroll.

I hope Frank Antosiewicz maintains his interest in plastics and manufacturing blogs.

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Mike Driehorst said...

I echo your sentiments that I hope PN does keep its pulse on plastics industry bloggers. I work in PR and have a couple industry clients. Now, I don't think they'd benefit from a blog, but may likely someday.

As blogs become more accepted -- esp. in corp America -- I think there is a lot of potential.

On a personal note, I wish you only the best and all the luck and good medical advice from your doctor(s) in your fight against cancer. After a long and numerous battles, my dad died last November. And, about a year ago, my older brother had a good portion of his colon removed due to cancer, but is doing fine now. Unfortunately, you are not alone in your cancer fight.

All the best,

Don Spencer said...

Thanks for your well wishes, Mike. I'll send you an email privately about talking to your brother. I'm sure he has some answers to questions about surgery and recovery that would help me out right now.

I've visited your blog and have to say you've taken to corporate blogging like a fish to water - very nicely designed and some excellent corporate blogging tips in some of the posts.

